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Top 10 ideas to generate passive income

Everyone wants to earn passive income because in this era 9 to 5 job becomes hectic. It is quite difficult to depend upon the one sided salary because it may not reliable for long time. Obviously people want more than they have, a large number of passionate people always look forward to get smart passive income ideas. In this article you will get to know about the top 10 ideas to generate passive income. Let’s go ahead.

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the most reliable way to earn passive income in 2021. You can easily generate income by product marketing. There are many companies offering commission based affiliate marketing or you can sign up affiliate marketing through Amazon. To earn from Amazon, you will need your blog site to write every aspect of products for marketing. It will attract the clients to purchase the specific product with your referral and you will get your commission.

2. Start a blog website

To start a blog is the easiest way to earn passive income. It is relatively chosen from the beginners who wants to make money from home. But there is many more to earn money except posting good content. You should have the ability to learn. When you are the starting the blog, keep in mind that you will not start earning from day one. Things take time, and to run a successful blog you should build strong community and website which can only proceed with the time.

Tips to start a blog

  • You should be consistent with your work. Don’t be discourage because of trouble.
  • You should learn “how to write SEO content”. It will help you to rank your blog website.
  • You will face a plenty of mistakes in the beginning but take them as your learning experience instead of getting yourself in hurdle.
  • You should start blog on the topic you have interest. It will be convenient for you to work hard in field.

3. Create and Sell Online Courses

Selling of online courses are the best example of passive income. If you have proficient skills related to particular topic or excessive knowledge about the specific course. You can easily create an online course with the help of application, software, website etc. and can sell it. Some of the websites are offering guest course to their website and the best thing is that you will get paid every time when a new student will take the course.

4. Create a YouTube Channel

Let’s fun and earn! A great idea to earn passive income in 2021. You can create your YouTube channel and monetize it to earn money by uploading videos. It will not only the source to generate passive income but also it will polish your editing skills. Yes! Editing is the base of YouTube videos if you are making a genuine content.

5. Rent Your Property

Invest in the real estate and renting out property is the excellent idea to earn passive income. However, it isn’t that easy it looks like because being a landlord you would have a lot of responsibilities from maintenance to upgrading your property. Renting out property can only give you passive income if you put your consistent efforts and time.

6. Selling Retail Products

To earn passive income, you can take advantage of online selling platforms or websites. You can buy the stock of the product on wholesale prices and sell them on retail prices on the online selling platforms. It will generate commission on the sale of every product. Or you can sell the products by affiliate product advertisements.

7. Earn Money from Dividend Stock

Being a shareholder in a successful company can increase your passive income. Dividend stockers earn on regular basis with every interval of the company. But the thing is, make sure to choose a right stock. Companies will pay cash after every six months after keeping their profit. To earn more, you should invest in more stocks. The only your concern is with the financial statements of the company and not with any other thing.

8. Earn with Crypto

Cryptocurrency is the upgraded system to earn passive income all over the world. It is the form of digital start with the investment in bitcoin. You can invest in any professional crypto trader who needs funding. Else you can do is cloud mining. It touches on to renting out the digital money mining hardware. For this purpose, you can find application for android known as Pi network. It will generate the regular passive income without owning and maintaining the mining hardware.

9. Be an influencer on Social Media

Post and earn! Being an influencer over social media you can earn passive income even only by posting. There are many ways to earn as a social media influencer. You can make your blogging account on any social media platform you are easy with. But the most useful application is the Instagram where people spend their most of the free time. Being a social influencer you can work with the brands and companies to sponsored their service or product with your visual content and they will pay you for the sponsored content. Usually the charges depend upon the number of organic followers, posts engagements and insight reach. If you want to be a public figure or you have a media background, then this option is the best for you.

10. Earn as a Freelancer

It’s time to make passive income in your holidays and weekends. Freelance world is ultimately very vast from where you can earn according to your interest and skill. If you have any useful skill for instance web development, graphic designing, content writing, virtual assessment etc. you can easily earn in dollars. But before applying this professionally you will need a professional portfolio. It may take time to build your professional profile but it worth so don’t be hurry, keep patience and consistency.



How can I make $1000 a month in passive income?

To earn more you have to put your efforts more. If you are starting a YouTube channel, it has more chances to make more than $1000 in a month but it requires time and energy. So you should be consistent with your work you are doing.


How can I generate passive income?

To generate passive income in more convenient ways please give an eye also to this article.


How can I make passive income with no money?

To make passive income with no money, there are a various way for instance, you can work as a social media influencer, freelancer, renting out a spare room from your house, selling courses etc.

Ajia Qamar Ali

Ajia Qamar Ali

I am an optimistic and passionate writer with the aim to give the world more than I am taking from it. I obligated my pen to bring the positive revolution in the world.

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