You are currently viewing Facebook ads vs Google ads – which one should you choose?

Facebook ads vs Google ads – which one should you choose?

Since you’re reading this blog, most probably either you run a business or you’re planning to be in the pool of digital marketing. Let’s come to the point since it’s a bit tricky to choose where you should run ads.

Compare the following details before spending a budget on digital marketing.

  1. Budget
  2. Targeted audience
  3. Ad placement
  4. Size of audience
  5. Buyer intent

Let’s compare in detail.


If your budget is low and you need to attract possible customers, the Facebook Ads service is a better option. According to a report, the average customer acquisition cost on Facebook is $10. So, you can see, a mere $10 amount can get you plenty of impressions, video views, and customer engagement. In this way, you get more website traffic via Facebook.

On the other hand, Google Ads follow an entirely different pattern to boost your business. The same amount, i.e. $10, helps to get only one or two clicks on your website. This too depends upon the use of accurate keywords.

Hence, you can say that if you need to market your product digitally within a tight budget, Facebook ads are a better option. So, Facebook is a winner in terms of cost.  

Targeted Audience

For better outcomes, it is of immense importance to know your prospect and target them efficiently.

Facebook has granular targeting options to select the right audience. Thus, you can control the audience for your advertisements. Facebook has more user data regarding personal interests, behavior, and life events. So, you can get detailed demographics due to a comprehensive database of Facebook users. It can help you effectively to target the right audience. In this way, it becomes easy to target the right audience on accurate occasions or based on personal interests. However, Facebook ads are good to advertise your business if you know who are the most probable customers to buy products.

On the other hand, if you’ve little idea about who to target, Google ads are way too good to expand your business. Google ads service works based on keywords. It means that it targets the audience following what they’re already searching for. Thus, you’ll not need to know the right audience.

So, if your audience is well-defined choose Facebook Ads. In case, lead generation is your main objective and you’ve little knowledge about the targeted audience, select Google Ads.

Size of Audience

During the first quarter of 2021 Facebook reported around 1.85 billion active users. This statistics is of daily active users. So, there is a considerable number of people to target for a specific product. However, according to another report younger people tend to use Facebook less as compared to the users from other age groups. It means that if your product is about younger people, you’ll have fewer chances to target the right audience.

Google hits more than 3.5 billion searches every day. On the contrary, Google doesn’t ask people to log in before using its search engine. Thus, we cannot compare the number of daily active Google users in the same way.

In terms of the size of the audience, you can’t compare both Google and Facebook on the same footing. However, there are two situations when you should use Google Ads. Firstly, if you don’t know the right audience. Secondly, if your business targets young people. So, according to this specific factor, you can say that choosing Google Ads is a wiser option. In any other situation, the size of the audience is less important.

Unique Ad Placement and User Engagement 

Facebook offers image-based eye-catching options to place ads. You can even design your ad in the form of a video clip. Plus, ads appear in both newsfeed and sidebars. Eye-catching ads attract users a lot. As a result, Facebook Ads show considerable user engagement.

Conversely, Google ads usually appear in the form of text. Since it is not as attention-grabbing as visual ads, user engagement is less. However, Google has plenty of other searching platforms such as Images and Shopping. Even Google Maps work wonders in terms of ad engagement. Here you can post ads in different formats such as text, video, calls-only, product listing, image along with responsive search and responsive display ads. These side platforms are a game-changer to sell products.

Buyer Intent

The purchase intent of your targeted audience is of much value. Google Ads are better for demand capture. It means your ad will reach an audience with high intent of buying the product. When someone uses a keyword to search about a product, relevant Google Ads will appear along with the links related to that product. For instance, if you search “cat food,” cat-related products’ ads will appear along with needed information. Thus, Google Ads target an audience with higher buyer intent.

On the other hand, Facebook Ads are better for brand awareness or product awareness, either new or old. 

In short, both Google Ads and Facebook Ads are imperative for your business in different aspects. Choose them according to your needs since both cater to different kinds of business needs. Have something to add? Comment!


Ammara Siddiqui

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