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How to Skyrocket your Instagram Followers

Are you on the road to becoming an Instagram Influencer or running a business and worrying about the number of followers that is not increasing at a good pace? There is no step-by-step instruction manual that can guarantee you in this regard. However, there are plenty of ways to escalate your Instagram growth.

Here are some best practices to soar the number of followers on Instagram organically.

Optimize Your Bio

These are not just 150 characters. If you want to get organic followers based on their interests, craft your bio effectively.

Your Insta worthy bio should include the following information:

  • Brief professional description
  • Personal traits
  • Contact information
  • Hashtags
  • A link

Since your bio on Instagram is the only way to mention a clickable link, use it wisely. If you’re managing a business or working on some other project, do mention its link in the bio. It shows that you’re worth following since you have a cause in life. You can change the link from time to time to show recent developments in business or personal life. Conversely, you can use a link that contains plenty of other links about your business and personal life-related achievements.

On the other hand, hashtags can also work effectively to showcase your brand achievements or personal life success. Using diverse hashtags for diverse aspects of your brand or you as a brand can help one decide if it is good to follow you or not.

Pro tip: Use witty hashtags

Selecting Time To Post On Instagram

After your bio’s makeover, it’s time to select the most effective time for you to post on Instagram. It is a hard nut to crack because there is no universal rule for everyone. You’ll have to gauge it for your account.

Selecting the best time to shoot your post depends upon several factors. Here are a few of them:

  • Relevance of the post with time
  • Your followers’ most active time

Relevance Of The Post & Time To Increase Followers

Let me explain it to you. Suppose you’re promoting your homemade food brand. The most effective time to promote it is a couple of hours before the lunch break. Whoever wants to order homemade food will have enough time to decide what to order. Posting it at 2 p.m. will get you any benefit? No, for sure.

So, this is how you relate your post to the most effective time. Couple it with some relevant hashtags to reach new users. Thus, you’ll get more followers.    

Your Followers’ Most Active Time

Undoubtedly, posting when most of the followers are online is one of the effective ways for better post engagement. If you have a business account, you can check the most active time of your audience by clicking on the “Insights” button.

Now, scroll down. You’ll find “Your Audience.” Now tap the “See All” option. You can get real insights into the most active time of your audience. Use this tool properly to gauge the best customized time to post on Instagram. Thus, you can get the most out of it.

Again, use industry-specific hashtags within your post for better engagement. When your existing followers will share posts, it will become a good word of mouth to attract more followers.             

Call To Action

Like other social media platforms, use Instagram to get engaged with people instead of broadcasting yourself or your brand. When they’ll feel more connected, there are more chances that your post may get viral. In this regard, storytelling is an immensely effective skill.

This along with proper hashtags will enhance the chances of better user engagement. Respond to comments! In this way, you’ll get more followers since your post will sound natural.

Pro tip: Craft question-based post for better engagement

A lot of tricks are properly explained above to skyrocket the followers organically. Let us know which one is most effective for you.

Mamnoon ul Hussnain

I would like to introduce myself as an enthusiastic person who has a deep interest in technology and leadership. I wake up everyday with the motto, “I have to learn something new”

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