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Tips to make $1000 per month by working online

Making money online is not as difficult as you think. There is a lot of competition out there. You have to follow the right path to make it happen. Once, you start using the right techniques you would be able to make 1000$ per month easily. There can be different approaches but let me tell you the most important elements if you want to earn a handsome income. You must have a positive attitude towards your goal, absolute belief in yourself and determination. Making money online takes a longer time in the beginning so also add patience to the list.

1- Freelancing

Freelancing is not something new but the mind blowing thing is that the market is still growing crazily. There are different freelancing sites available on the internet where you can make 1000$ every month. It sounds easy but it is not. You have to put a lot of hardwork to reach this point. In fact, in your starting days of freelancing experience you would not be able to get even a single project. But don’t worry this is the learning stage. At this stage, you learn how to apply the right techniques to reach your milestone. Different freelancing sites have different mode of action. I am going to briefly describe it for you to have an idea of the top freelancing sites and the ways you can succeed at it

  • is the biggest freelancing market. It is the place where new jobs are posted every minute. Due to its huge network, it is the place of a lot of scams. Making your name in this market is a lot difficult as there is a lot of competition out there. Even on a project of 10$ there will be 40+ bidders on it. Now, let me tell you the working of freelancer. Workers on freelancer get a specified number of bids based on their membership plan. The default is basic and you have to spend some money to upgrade it. Work on freelancer is totally based on bids. Workers reach the employer by bidding. They give their proposal and specify the amount they would be paid on successful completion of work. The employer gets the list of the bidders and their proposals and he can choose the one best for him. There is also another way in which the employer can hire a specific person. Freelancer has a very user-friendly dashboard where you can track your bids; see remaining bids, past projects and much more. Logo design, web development and article writing are the major projects here.

  • Fiverr

Fiverr was called 5$ freelancing market in the past. Today, it is no longer the site of 5$ work only. Fiverr has a different process of doing tasks and it introduces the concept of gigs. On fiverr, freelancers have to create a gig that describes all about their work including a price tag. It is such a platform where usually the employers do a quick search to reach out the freelancers. Thus, the a little bit knowledge of SEO is required in this work. If you are not appearing I the search results, no matter how good your work is, you are not going to get work because you are undiscoverable. What I personally like about fiverr is that it gives the freelancers a great control. You can work on your own preferred price. At, you have to make compromise most of the time if you do not have enough views or the preferred freelancer badge. Preferred freelancers are top 3% freelancers and they get a lot of work at their desired price. Another thing that is worth mentioning about fiverr is their detailed gig statistics. It provides you with an in-depth knowledge about how your gig is working. It also helps you to know if you want to make any changes to your gig in order to better attract the audience. Fiverr always asks you to be creative and offer some sevices that are already not being offered by any other person. Fiverr has a narrow range of services in terms of categories but there is no doubt it is a big marketplace!

  • Upwork

Upwork is another site providing work and income to freelancer and services to employers. There is an amazing thing about upwork. Let me tell you with respect to comparison with freelancer. At freelancer, there are a lot of scams and you don’t get paid always for the work you do. Sometime, the employer would ask you to connect on Skype or some other place so he could dodge the payments. He would capture your attention by saying he would pay high for a small work. But, at the end, after getting his work he would not be found. That is really frustrating and it happened with me. I lost about 400$ trusting such type of people. Upwork is great in terms of surety of payments. You would get paid for every single task you do. When an employer posts a job on upwork, the required amount is deposited by the employer and is kept in the custody of Upwork. That’s the thing I like most. There is also a down side of Upwork. It asks you to write a description about you and your work after registration on the site. It only accepts 3-5 % of the given applications. So, most of the people get rejected.

Tips to succeed at freelancing:

If you want to make 1000$ per month through freelancing, you must follow the following useful tricks that I learnt from my experience:

     1- Master a single skill

Don’t rush to make money by adopting different skills. You can choose 2-3 skills but it would be better if you stick to only one skill. I am sure you would make more money in the second case. When you learn a single skill you understand different demands of the employers regarding that skill. You also learn what particularly is needed to be mentioned in the proposal to catch the attention of the employer. It also results in good reviews because you become expert in that single field.

     2- Reviews matter more than you think

No one would like to test a newbie. Whether you say how many years of experience you have, there is nothing to prove the authenticity. People hesitate to try out a new worker and they are actually true. Reviews are like stars on your uniform. More stars mean more work. There is also another benefit. When you have more reviews, you can work for a greater price.

  • Tip for new workers on and

My first tip would be to focus on your portfolio. Make it attractive and eye-catching. Also, make sure it fulfills the market demands. The successful tip to get you started is to earn good reviews. For this purpose, you can ask your friends to buy your services and give you 5 star reviews. It would be a great way to earn reviews for a small price.

2- Start Blogging

If you think you have a sound knowledge in a particular field, you can start blogging. Blogging means a casual website where information and opinions are shared. For the beginning, you can use various free hosting platforms. It does not provide you with full control and custom domain but the plus point is that you can learn a lot and everything there is ready made. After some time, you can start using a WordPress site which is purchased through a hosting site and the domain is also registered. GoDaddy and Bluehost are popular hosting platforms out there. The site you are currently on is hosted by Bluehost.

There is a tip for beginners to blogging. If you are doing blogging for money it would not be much helpful. It takes a lot of time in the start to make a successful blog. People who are looking only for money end blogging because patience is needed to make money from a blog. Only do blogging if you have passion for it.

Tips for successful blogging:

  • Buy your custom domain and hosting. It is very helpful for you to build a brand.
  • Study and practice SEO. Experimenting is the best way to succeed at blogging. If a trick work for someone else it is not guaranteed that it will work for you as well.
  • Use popular wordpress plugins. These plugins are useful as they limit difficult programming tasks to only some clicks.
  • The best technique is to write content regularly. When you build some audience, they wait for your next post. If you don’t post regularly, you will lose a greater audience.
  • Make sure your content is planned to provide value to the readers. The content must also be SEO friendly but you must keep the right balance between priorities.

3- Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is a procedure that is used even by celebrities for earning income. The income from affiliate marketing depends upon your reach to the audience. If you have a huge audience, you can earn huge money through this process. In this method, you insert links of products (present for buying on other sites) on your site. Thus, you drive customers to the targeted site and thus earn some percentage of the total price of the item. The percentage may vary depending on the category of the item. Amazon Affiliate marketing is the most widely used affiliate marketing service and it follows the same procedure as discussed above. The benefit of Amazon Affiliates is that it pays much more than other affiliate programs. Thus, you can earn 1000$ a month if you have a good audience on your blog or website. You can even add the links on your popular Facebook or Instagram pages.

4- Sell your Apps:

Apps are sold at much higher price than you think. There are a lot of jobs available for android and ios app developers. The best is to find a freelance app developer job so that you can work right from the comfort of your home. You can use Android Studio for building android apps. But for this purpose, you must have an in-depth knowledge of programming. Selling your apps online give you enough confidence and experience to make the finest one for yourself. The average income of an app developer is about 1500$ per month. This might provide you with enough confidence to start app developing. I was on a freelancing site last month looking for article writing jobs and suddenly my eyes got the attention of the prices of the app developer jobs.

5- Invest in currency exchange:

Have a look on the fluctuating values of different currencies. Currency exchange is also an amazing way to earn money. You can also invest in crypto currency. It is beneficial when you have a lot of cash in hand and thus it can help you because the prices do not fluctuate at a higher rate. You can make only a little money from your pocket money through this procedure. It should also be kept in mind that even big companies invest in money exchange.


The money making passion is important. You will not be able to start making money right away. It takes a lot of patience and resilience to do this task. Thus, make sure you have failed in your attempts enough times to confirm that you are on the right track and that is called experience. Just remain there and wait for your turn!

Mamnoon ul Hussnain

I would like to introduce myself as an enthusiastic person who has a deep interest in technology and leadership. I wake up everyday with the motto, “I have to learn something new”

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